Uphill battle begins for Jason Street
Jason was quickly rolled into surgery. His helmet was sawed off. Jersey was cut off. In an instant, Jason’s life was completely changed. How was this even fair? After all, it was just a few moments ago when all Jason’s hopes and dreams were on a fast track to landing him fame and fortune.
Shortly after surgery to fuse Jason’s spine, the denial would begin. But it was not from Jason. It was from Lyla. In her mind, she could not accept the fact that her beloved boyfriend was no longer the soon-to-be superstar that he was just twenty-four hours prior.

Lyla immediately began telling Jason of another paralyzed athlete who was able to regain use of his legs and return to action. It was like Lyla could not even see the broken man lying the bed before her. For Lyla, it would be a long road for her own acceptance.
Meanwhile, stricken with his own grief, Tim was spending lots of time alone in the film room watching the play that changed Jason’s life. He would watch this play over and over again. Tim had convinced himself that somehow it was his fault that he did not come to Jason’s aide before the infamous hit that would forever change all their lives.

Jason, in his own right, was trying to come to grips with the fact that he was now in the hospital and unable to move his legs. And he did not even hardly have use of his arms and legs. He was also dealing with his own grief. Jason was already feeling that he had let down his team. And not having his best friend, Tim, by this side, was only compounding things.
Reality sets in for Jason Street
Reality is setting in for Jason, as his doctor tells him that his spinal cord injury is such that he will never walk again. But with rehabilitation, he should regain use of his arms and hands.
But as it turns out, Jason, not only has to come to his own terms with the severity of his injury, he unfairly is faced with the task of making his mother and Lyla come to terms with the situation. This is proven to be a difficult task in his dealing with Lyla, as she continues to insist that Jason’s injury is only a temporary bump in the road.
Jason finally had enough of Lyla’s distorted view of reality and confronted her in a moment of anger. He screamed at Lyla, asking her what was wrong with her. Asking why she refused to see the situation that he was in. In this moment of anger, Jason revealed to Lyla that his dreams of playing for Notre Dame were over. His dreams of going pro. Over! He and Lyla getting married. “we’re not getting married.” Jason then screamed for Lyla to get out of his room.
It was proving to be difficult enough for Jason to deal with his, and other’s grief. But now the grueling task of beginning physical rehabilitation.
In the coming articles, we will discuss the process of Jason and his quest to conquer all challenges that lie ahead.
Also ahead, an article detailing the love affair between Lyla and Tim!