Category High School Football

Where to find a private QB coach in Texas

Best High School Football Rivalries in Texas
Did you know that Texas has some of the most enthusiastic high school football rivalries? These contests have been going on for nearly 100 years. The University Interscholastic League (UIL) and Dave Campbell’s Texas Football honor these legendary games. They’re a big…

Best towns to experience football in Texas
Let the great football debate begin! Everyone debates over which city or state has the best barbecue, best pizza or best place to get a sandwich. But you won’t hear much discussion over which state does football the best. The…

How to become a high school football coach
Let the high school football coaching dream begin! Are you dreaming of becoming the next Bear Bryant or Bill Belichick, but at the high school level? The truth is, even the most distinguished coaches of all time got their start…

How to get recruited to play college football
Listed in this article are 10 tips to help get you recruited to play college football Football is the national sport of America, and every year thousands of young footballers are recruited by colleges from the D1 to the D3…

What are the differences between Texas and California Football?
Texas Football The 1962 Dallas Texans were a National Football League franchise born of failure. The team was actually a transplanted version of another faux pax, the New York Yanks. When Yanks owner Ted Collins decided that eight years of…

10 Texas High School Football Stadiums that are Must Visit
Pack your bags! We’re heading to watch high school football! In California, people visit wine country. In New York, everyone wants to see the Statue of Liberty or Times Square. What about when visiting Texas? Texas has beautiful beaches, sparse…

Whole New World of Football Recruiting
This isn’t your daddy’s football recruiting In this age of such things as social media and cell phones, elite high school junior and senior football prospects are the ones who are calling all the shots. They command lots of attention.…